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In this special guest blog we welcome Visit South Devon as they share with us why you should take the train to fully experience South Devon and have a greener adventure.
Join Good Journey as they share their favourite waterside walks and car-free adventures in our latest #daysoutbyrail guest blog.
121 miles of scenic railway running from Swansea to Shrewsbury through the heart of beautiful Wales.
This 87 mile route takes you through four counties from Bristol, a buzzing creatively spirited city with a rich maritime history to the seaside town of Weymouth, on the Jurassic Coast.
Taking the train is one of the greenest ways to travel. It enables you to uncover Britain's hidden gems, head off the beaten track, marvel at spectacular views, discover our country's diverse history and many more adventures avoiding the stress and pollution of driving and parking.
From the historic city of Lincoln, this picturesque line delivers you straight to the fishing port of Grimsby.
Travel coast to coast across the Highlands, in the shadows of mountains and forests along the Inverness to Kyle of Lochalsh.
One half of the East Suffolk Lines. Enjoy colourful seaside resorts and panoramic views of the Suffolk coastline.
One half of the East Suffolk Lines. Connecting the coastal town of Lowestoft with the bustling County Town of Ipswich.
Visit the picturesque Isle of Wight and travel on the Island Line linking Ryde with the seaside resorts of Sandown and Shanklin.
Take a journey though a picturesque wooden valley and watch the scenery change as you emerge next to the scenic East Looe River on your way to the fishing town of Looe.
Take the short journey from the coastal town of Lymington to Brockenhurst, the largest village in the New Forest National Park.
Superb sea views, marshes rich in wildlife and rolling chalk downs are the setting for historic Cinque Port towns.